The Paranormal and ufo's and / or Conspiracy theories ?

I could talk all Day about this but  i wanted to Hear Your thoughts or experiences or opinions.
Have You ever had an experience or tale to tell ?
I have experienced things Nobody would ever believe, but they did happen.
Have You ?

  • Has anyone seen the news today that the Altar Stone at Stonehenge is from North East Scotland, maybe from Orkney? Unlike many I don't find this remarkable, Neolithic society was much more connected than most people think, it would seem that the whole Henge culture came south from Orkney. Us moderns get so obsessed with land travel that we forget that many of the "remote" places were'nt remote when boats were the main form of transport.

    I think human civilisation is much older than previously thought, we only have to look at sites like Gobleki Tepe to tell us that, just because we've yet to find enough evidence to convince the people that think that civilisation didn't start until some thousands of years after the Ice Age, dosen't mean it's not there, although a lot of it is probably now below sea level. The amount of water held in the ice sheets was vast, enough to make the Med a puddle compared to what it is now and you could walk from Scandinavia and Holland to Britain.

    It always surprises me that so many people believe the bible was so unique in its antiquity, by ancient standards its quite modern, Sumarian texts and Egyptian ones show that many things were old at the time of writing. Now we're getting more and more sophisticated translation techniques more and more ancient knowlege is being found and as new digs bring more thing out of the earth with less damage and disturbance than before we can push back the boundaries of who was doing what, where and when.

    I think we do ourselves down as a species by believing ancient ancestors incapable of sophisticated thought, communication, building, writing and technology.

    One of the difficulties about seeing ancient things is how to interpret them, we can't say for sure tht some cave art is showing "spacemen" or craft, we don't know what they were trying to convey, you need to look at these things in the context of the civilisation that made them to gain insight. One of the greatest mistakes anyone studying history ancient or modern is to put the standards of today onto the past and believe that "they" must have had help from outside because "they" were all hopeless barbarian savages. This is a very colonial viewpoint, coming from the so called enlightenment about progress from savagery to enlightenment of the modern age. It was the justification for slavery, conquest, destruction of people ways of life and death in the pursuit of modernity, of progress from savagery. These are things people are still living with today, we still live with the fall out today.

  • This is my favourite topic! What I’ve experienced were visions of future, which is happening. I’ve also seen someone (an entity) as a toddler but I’m not so sure… when I told my parents they told me it was a dream but I feel it was real and I remember it with many details till now. Yet I can’t be 100% sure it was real. Maybe it was a very realistic dream that stuck in my memory for decades probably for my whole life. I deeply believe that the aliens are those who created us and our world and the indications are there in old Sumerian tablets 1000 older than Christian bible which took the stories from there. Also architecture shows us something unusual- ancient buildings made with great precision and huge objects transported where even our current technology fails. I love reading Erich von Daniken and I saw a video based on Zachariah Sitchin’s book. The aircrafts seem to travel not only in space but also in time. I wish I could be there as a kid wanted to be kidnapped by aliens but I’m not sure how I would feel in their realm. My interest with aliens started in the bible. I started reading it out of boredom and as many things seemed to not be adding up and not logic I suddenly at some point got an idea that maybe these things really happened and there was some high technologically advanced civilisation involved. Some research and it became my special interest. Then after watching an interview between David Grusch and Joe Rogan I found out about the autism. My next special interest.

  • I'm reading "Nine Lives: Inner Lives on the Spectrum" by Daniel Tammet. One of the nine is Dan Akroyd who was diagnosed with Asperger's (the term at the time) and it talks about his dad telling him stories about spiritualism, séances and ectoplasm which became a special interest - all of which led to him writing Ghostbusters. (Who ya' gonna' call?!)

  • Do I believe in the paranormal, or supernatural, no. I don't believe there is anything outside of nature, there are certainly things we don't yet understand

    I concur.

  • cockeral-up

    Roswell was a total cockeral-up, it really gets on my blue t1ts  when people say Aliens are real !! That's just speilbergian propaganda in the mass consciousness. Anything to make a buck, they're just robin the public!!

  • I tend to go for the cockeral-up rather than conspiracy thinking, but I do think cockeral-ups can lead to people not wanting to admit to thier mistakes and attempting to cover them up. Obviously there are things we're not told by government, for operational reasons and because lives would be put at risk, I do think government has the right to privacy for these reasons, but not to withhold information information for the sake of it. I'm certainly not a QAnon person, or whatever their current itteration is.

    Do I believe in the paranormal, well for me thats a bit of a vexed question. Do I believe there are creatures out there that aren't wholly of htis dimension, yes. Do I believe in ghosts and spirits, yes. Do I believe in the paranormal, or supernatural, no. I don't believe there is anything outside of nature, there are certainly things we don't yet understand, I've had the sight all my life, so its normal for me to know things that others don't or aren't aware of, often I'm not conciously aware that I know things others don't. I see spirits and communicate with them, I always have, so to me it's just normal. I think what we call supernatural gifts are things we all have, I think in many of us their atrophied, but I definately think they're evolutionary rather than coming to us from angels or whatever. One of the things I've noticed over the years is the corelation between "psychic" gifts and childhood trauma and PTSD, I think with childhood trauma these traits never get switched off as they do in people who live less traumatic, safer lives, and they get reawakened in people who are in extremely traumatic situations such as war, where constant watchfulnes is the norm. Soldiers who've been in war zones will tell you that your sense sharpen to the point where you know the enemy is close and its attention is on you. I think this would of been how all of us lived before we became the apex predator and controlled more and more of our environment.

    I've spent time in places with truely dark skies and watched the stars and all the weird stuff whizzing about up there, I do think there's life on other planets, we'd be very lonely in the universe if we were, but as to whether there's "greys" and or others kidknapping and experiementing on us, I doubt it. Nor do I think "civilisation was brought to us from space.

    One of the notable things is that the number of accounts of encounters and/or abductions by aliens has increased by the number of encounters and/or abductions by fairies/elves has decreased, which says to me that theres something very real happening but we interpret it according to some common narrative, fairies/elves in pre-modern times and as aliens since we were able to go to space, particularly since WW2.

  • Yes, i know that, which is why i asked 3 different questions.

  • Relating to conspiracy theories I find that there is often more than a grain of truth in them. I've worked for some companies and organisations who have conspiracy theories relating to them and know enough to understand the core of the story is true but they get over inflated in the telling, sometimes to an absurd degree.

    I have NDAs still in effect for the more interesting ones but it takes some critical reasoning to look at these and not get swept away by the tin foil hat brigades dystopian fantasies. Try to find the provable facts and work from these wherever possible.

    As for the paranormal I did have a interesting experience with a seance when I was 19 that developed a keen interest in ghosts and spirits that I followed for several decades. At the time I was a student of Applied Physics at uni so I very much applied scientific method to the research and got involved with the SPR (Society for Psychic Research) and attended a lot of sessions with them and their researchers.

    The end result was that there was no proof to be had. Loads of interesting phenomenon but nothing reproducable which is a requirement for a scientific experiment.

    I gave up my research part of this in the end but keep an open mind about it an other phenomenon.

    I have experienced things Nobody would ever believe, but they did happen.

    The key to this is can you reproduce the events under controlled circumstances or was physical proof left with you that can be analised. Without this all you have is your perception of an event that is in the past and cannot be revisited or assessed using accurate equipment.

    Human perception is a flexible thing, full of bias and hindered by a lack of understanding. What one person sees as a UFO is another mans private jet seen from an odd angle, ball lightning or low orbiting space debris. I hope there are other explanations but so far there is nothing much in the way of proof after what seem to be millions of sightings.

    Is Earth really that interesting to aliens? If I was them I would stay the hell away from here.

  • Well, paranormal is very different from UFOs which is very different from conspiracy theories.

    So, just with regard to the 1st, the answer is 'yes' and here is a link to a thread about it.