Has/does this happened to anyone?

whenever a certain word triggers me it sends like a physical shock into my brain (best way for me to describe it) It’s the oddest thing and only really has happened so far with certain words. I’ve tried to look things up online but not finding much. Was just curious if anyone else seems to get this?  

  • While I am not sure I have the ideal vocabulary (for myself) for something similar to what you are describing, I believe I know what you mean. 

    The best way I can describe it is: something catches you unawares (you had not anticipated it), maybe to you it seems really out of place but it has instantly transported you to a thought or sensation from another context or point of reference, it seems something like some kind of micro-trauma?  Probably only something you will have noticed when you are among other people.

    You might not always understand quite why and doubtless those around you will not have noticed anything themselves and are unlikely to have noticed your mini-stall (so no need to worry about that consideration). 

    It can feel a bit like something you had not expected just sort of stops you in your tracks for a moment.  It is not necessarily limited to a word trigger. 

    It does not always have to feel like a dramatic shock or startling experience - other times it just may seem like a realisation which you really did not need to have as an interrupt your train of thought / actions underway at the time.  

    When it occurs, I try to think to myself along the lines of: "Oh, that was a thing, although it was a surprise - I don't need to always know why right now, notice it, maybe have a think about it later if it still bothers me then, it is fine to continue with whatever I am doing, nobody noticed, reset and resume (everything is fine - you can relax about it)". 

  • Exactly. I love how you stated not needing to know exactly why it bothered you at that moment until maybe later. I’m such a person that’s like “I need the answers, NOW” Joy

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