News/current affairs

Since the Palestine/Israel conflict began, I've stopped reading the news (I don't watch TV or listen to the radio, anyway).

This is to protect my mental health as my responses to the various conflicts in the world tend to either be anger or distress.

I've never done this before but for several decades of my life news wasn't so readily available.

The internet changed all that.

I don't know how long I will be able to isolate myself in this way, but I had become rather addicted to the BBC news website, constantly updating it to see the latest.

Does this resonate with anyone?

  • I think there are two aspects to this.

    The first is increased anxiety as a result of enhanced awareness of world events. The world seems a more dangerous place as a result and the more news we consume the more we hyper focus on the scary stuff. The Covid pandemic was a good example of that. My anxiety increased a lot and watching the daily news conferences became an intense focus for me.

    The second aspect is a sense of powerlessness and an inability to resolve a problem. I suspect autists may struggle with this perhaps more than the general population. We often have a need to problem solve and can be deeply affected by what we see or read on the news. Just getting through life day to day can be tough enough without trying to devote energy and thoughts to solving the world problems on top.

    I do really care how this country is run and by whom + also other countries.

    So, because of all this, I feel guilty now not following the news.

    Your sense of guilt illustrates the second aspect above. However I think it is misplaced. You have in the past got involved in the things you care about and those actions will be an awful lot more than much of the population ever do.

    Just think how people seem to consider 'news' as what their favourite fake celebrity is wearing that day or what is happening on Love Island. All that effort that goes into completely pointless news could be redeployed for good but those people don't seem to experience the guilt.

    There is no need to feel guilty if, at this point in your life, you need to shield yourself from news to protect your own mental health.

  • The second aspect is a sense of powerlessness and an inability to resolve a problem. I suspect autists may struggle with this perhaps more than the general population. We often have a need to problem solve and can be deeply affected by what we see or read on the news. Just getting through life day to day can be tough enough without trying to devote energy and thoughts to solving the world problems on top.


    I had typed similar this morning to Number, but the site went down.

    Cunningly, I'd save it as a Word document so have just posted my reply.

    You have in the past got involved in the things you care about and those actions will be an awful lot more than much of the population ever do.
    There is no need to feel guilty if, at this point in your life, you need to shield yourself from news to protect your own mental health.

    That brought tears to my eyes, after a long hard day.

    Thank you.

  • Deb- if you like.  I will read double the amount so you don't have to read any. Slight smile

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