I don't think I'm autistic but ...

I've never had any reason to think I might be autistic but I did a test that popped up on facebook in an idle moment and was a bit surprised when it told me I was highly likely to be autistic. I didn't take it very seriously - facebook is hardly an authoritative source - but it niggled me a bit so I've taken every AQ test I can find online, repeatedly, and consistently get scores of 35-38. The main reason I think it unlikely that I could be autistic is that I am not a creature of habit, I'm untidy and don't like routines, in fact I like things that break routines, which doesn't sound very typical of autism from what I've read. But for some reason all these tests have unsettled me and I can't put my finger on why. I was just wondering if this resonates with anyone or if any of you have any thoughts to share on my experience?

Parents Reply
  • This is a really rude and unnecessary remark. Facebook uses targeted advertising based on your browsing history. You would fund after googling the AQ tests that Facebook would likely start advertising them to you, so actually tests suggested by Facebook are not necessarily meaningless after all. 

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