I don't think I'm autistic but ...

I've never had any reason to think I might be autistic but I did a test that popped up on facebook in an idle moment and was a bit surprised when it told me I was highly likely to be autistic. I didn't take it very seriously - facebook is hardly an authoritative source - but it niggled me a bit so I've taken every AQ test I can find online, repeatedly, and consistently get scores of 35-38. The main reason I think it unlikely that I could be autistic is that I am not a creature of habit, I'm untidy and don't like routines, in fact I like things that break routines, which doesn't sound very typical of autism from what I've read. But for some reason all these tests have unsettled me and I can't put my finger on why. I was just wondering if this resonates with anyone or if any of you have any thoughts to share on my experience?

  • I'm extremely untidy, unclean even. My executive function is often very poor. 

    I initially thought I didn't care for routines. It is amazing how much routine you can begin to notice when you look beyond routine being equivalent to a schedule. Timing is only one type of routine, but order to things is also routine. Sameness is routine. I then realised I do seek routine, and when I am forced to deviate from those routines then I do become really unwell with anxiety. 

  • I'm extremely untidy, unclean even. My executive function is often very poor. 

    I initially thought I didn't care for routines. It is amazing how much routine you can begin to notice when you look beyond routine being equivalent to a schedule. Timing is only one type of routine, but order to things is also routine. Sameness is routine. I then realised I do seek routine, and when I am forced to deviate from those routines then I do become really unwell with anxiety. 
