Different accent

Wondering if anyone else has this I'm English, lives in England, parents sound English but I sound South African or Austrailian depending on who you ask. Weird right? Is this something to do with the autism?

  • I'm from particular area in the UK and people there have an accent but apparently I don't have it... 

    I was brought up there for 18 years but I don't have the same accent as my family or the people I grew up with. It's not African or Australian though. My sister describes it as "posh"... 

    Interestingly, I like participating in musical theatre as a hobby and adopting an accent is absolutely no problem for me. I sometimes wonder if this comes from masking and mimicking others all my life to try to fit in socially as I find I also subconsciously change my accent depending on who I'm with... Again I believe this is a social inclusion thing that I've learned without realising that I do it. I've listened to others to try to work out what I'm supposed to say and do and part of what I've picked up is also the accent...

  • Yes, I am the same. I don't have the accent of where I am from (Probably a good thing, as it's not very nice!) and have variously been guessed at coming from the West Country, Yorkshire and a few others. I pick up accents from the people around me, if I like them. It's not just accent either - if I am talking to someone who is not English, I pick up the speech patterns/rhythm of their speech.  I have been doing this since I was a child. I remember talking to a kid from abroad at school and picking up the rhythm and for about 4 days afterwards people I'd just met asking me if I was from somewhere else "because you're not English, are you". I speak fluent French and the same thing happens when I switch back to English. The rhythm of French sticks around for a bit afterwards.

    I think it's mimicking the people around you to fit in. We subconsciously try to sound like the people around us. I am sure this is ASD related as I can't do any of the accents that I purportedly adopt if someone says to me "do a West Country accent". Then my ability to copy it is laughably bad. I think it's a much more subconscious thing.

  • Yes, I am the same. I don't have the accent of where I am from (Probably a good thing, as it's not very nice!) and have variously been guessed at coming from the West Country, Yorkshire and a few others. I pick up accents from the people around me, if I like them. It's not just accent either - if I am talking to someone who is not English, I pick up the speech patterns/rhythm of their speech.  I have been doing this since I was a child. I remember talking to a kid from abroad at school and picking up the rhythm and for about 4 days afterwards people I'd just met asking me if I was from somewhere else "because you're not English, are you". I speak fluent French and the same thing happens when I switch back to English. The rhythm of French sticks around for a bit afterwards.

    I think it's mimicking the people around you to fit in. We subconsciously try to sound like the people around us. I am sure this is ASD related as I can't do any of the accents that I purportedly adopt if someone says to me "do a West Country accent". Then my ability to copy it is laughably bad. I think it's a much more subconscious thing.

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