Asperger's, Asperger Syndrome not...

Asberger, Asperges, Aspergees, Assburgers, Aspegees, Asbeegees etc. (Those were just a few I found in less than a minute of looking, there are probably many more)

Ok, so this has been bothering me for a while, if we have a condition, we're supposed to have some form of medical diagnosis and know what it is called. It's not a burger made of donkey, it's not an autistic version of the Bee Gees, it's either Asperger's, Asperger Syndrome or Higher Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

I accept that some people seem to get their/there/they're consistently wrong, some people write in text speak, get confused between weather and whether, was, were and what messed up. But there is no homophone or variation of Asperger's, there is no Ass Burger to get it confused with, there is no As Bee Gees, there is no Ass Pee Gees, it's hardly rocket science!

</rant over>

  • Yeah, it's a bit irritating but I see it as similar to my reaction towards any grammar-crimes. I'm probably guilty of a few myself when I'm tired! The only thing I cannot shrug and move on from are punctuation-crimes (again, not to say that I never commit any but ...). I just can't help it when I see abused commas, neglected full-stops, over-worked exclamation marks, or capital letters that have been completely abandoned. Abuse of these small defenceless marks is endemic and must stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Oops.)    

  • Yeah, it's a bit irritating but I see it as similar to my reaction towards any grammar-crimes. I'm probably guilty of a few myself when I'm tired! The only thing I cannot shrug and move on from are punctuation-crimes (again, not to say that I never commit any but ...). I just can't help it when I see abused commas, neglected full-stops, over-worked exclamation marks, or capital letters that have been completely abandoned. Abuse of these small defenceless marks is endemic and must stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Oops.)    

  • Ok then I am guilty of all of those things,

    “Yeah” “it’s “or yes It is something I have heard before these words crop up so many times,usually aimed towards me, although not this time 

    sorry if anyone finds it impossible to read my writing. I am also not very good at being a human being apparently so no big surprise,

    so dyslexia is to be denounced as lazy and a crime against punctuation. Thank you. By the way I do my best.

    pedant is a strange word I have come across many times in my life.

    overscrupulous, scrupulous, precise, exact, over-exacting, perfectionist, precisionist, punctilious, meticulous, fussy, fastidious, finical, finick.

    pick the bones out of that Lol.,,,,,!?!?’”; he he, 

    hey just saying,not trying to upset, we are all individuals with our own separate likes and dislikes, love  you all x()x

    peace and harmony to all. My tribe,