Special interests ?

Could someone explain to me what defines special interests ? How is it different from hobbies?

I don't think I have special interests but will explain what I do do.

For years I have been frequently checking my rss feeds and later Twitter for articles to post on forums. These are primarily mental health related and secondarily political and general articles .

I also save many of these articles to my usb drive .

Whilst thinking this does not qualify as special interests I have a feeling it is not typical NT behaviour either.

  • Special interest and what counts confused me too. It is not a requirement to have one. Mine if it is one probably sounds boring. I walk a lot every day and as I live in a city that is along roads not in parks or anything similar. I see a lot of people breaking the law in little ways. I count how many I see do it and what laws they break (like s72 of the highway act 1835). Sometimes I add new laws to what I include. The most I ever saw in one day is 53 on 24th October. That was mostly in Camden naughty them. Today is only 7. The funniest law I saw broken is s60 of the metropolitan police act 1854.

  • lamme81: said:

    Special interest and what counts confused me too. It is not a requirement to have one. Mine if it is one probably sounds boring. I walk a lot every day and as I live in a city that is along roads not in parks or anything similar. I see a lot of people breaking the law in little ways. I count how many I see do it and what laws they break (like s72 of the highway act 1835). Sometimes I add new laws to what I include. The most I ever saw in one day is 53 on 24th October. That was mostly in Camden naughty them. Today is only 7. The funniest law I saw broken is s60 of the metropolitan police act 1854.

    When you state this 'probably sounds boring' ~ I actually find it really interesting reading societal rules, reg's and laws etc, and swapping anecdotes involving them. I am not though all that good at the detailed section and number stuff due to dyslexia (muddling letters and numbers) and nominal aphasia (forgetting names etc.). It was though fun to look up section 2 of the highway act 1835 on the internet and rediscover it once more ~

    http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Will4/5-6/50/section/72 ; Penalty on persons committing nuisances by riding on footpaths, &c.

    ~ due to having been when younger an "especially interested" or "aspergenically avid" Skateboarder, and on account of which having met several unkindly and a few kindly police officers ~ who demanded or advised going elsewhere, here and there. 

    When though you state: The funniest law [you] saw broken is s60 of the metropolitan police act 1854. ~ I have not as yet been able to find it on the internet, and section 60 has a number of listings, but none for the year 1854 ~ unless as is more often the case with me and numbers I am mistaken. Would you for mutual appreciation perhaps share the anecdote please?  

  • lamme81: said:

    Special interest and what counts confused me too. It is not a requirement to have one. Mine if it is one probably sounds boring. I walk a lot every day and as I live in a city that is along roads not in parks or anything similar. I see a lot of people breaking the law in little ways. I count how many I see do it and what laws they break (like s72 of the highway act 1835). Sometimes I add new laws to what I include. The most I ever saw in one day is 53 on 24th October. That was mostly in Camden naughty them. Today is only 7. The funniest law I saw broken is s60 of the metropolitan police act 1854.

    When you state this 'probably sounds boring' ~ I actually find it really interesting reading societal rules, reg's and laws etc, and swapping anecdotes involving them. I am not though all that good at the detailed section and number stuff due to dyslexia (muddling letters and numbers) and nominal aphasia (forgetting names etc.). It was though fun to look up section 2 of the highway act 1835 on the internet and rediscover it once more ~

    http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Will4/5-6/50/section/72 ; Penalty on persons committing nuisances by riding on footpaths, &c.

    ~ due to having been when younger an "especially interested" or "aspergenically avid" Skateboarder, and on account of which having met several unkindly and a few kindly police officers ~ who demanded or advised going elsewhere, here and there. 

    When though you state: The funniest law [you] saw broken is s60 of the metropolitan police act 1854. ~ I have not as yet been able to find it on the internet, and section 60 has a number of listings, but none for the year 1854 ~ unless as is more often the case with me and numbers I am mistaken. Would you for mutual appreciation perhaps share the anecdote please?  
