I am so drained and life feels exhausting

Hi Everyone I am new to the forum

my names kayleigh, I have 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl.  Their ages are 10, 4, 3 and 1. My 4 year old has ASD. I was just wondering does anyone ever get down with life just the pressure of it all, the repetitiveness, the meltdowns and behaviour ect? Or is it just me? 

Its so bad and extreme sometimes that I feel like I can’t carry on and do this anymore. It’s so draining and I just don’t feel like I have any sort of life. Am always tired, am mentally drained, I have zero energy!

please does this get any easier/better? 

  • Hi, my daughter is 4, almost 5, and I feel just as you describe! I feel zero energy, I feel like she sucks my energy away and I have no time for my other kids because when I try she goes mental. I feel mentally and physically drained and I don’t have anybody else to help me. 

    I can say one thing though some days are easier than others, and usually it is a trigger that sets us off on bad Days/weeks. For example she was doing really well for about 3mpnths until she was told by a social worker her dad wants to see her again (this was 5weeka ago) and still she is disruptive and can see a massive change I. Her behaviour!

    i think as life goes on you will notice the triggers and be able to avoid them but as our children are still young we may have a few years of never ending battles ahead haha! 

    Sendingg you hugs and healing wishes hun!


  • Hi, my daughter is 4, almost 5, and I feel just as you describe! I feel zero energy, I feel like she sucks my energy away and I have no time for my other kids because when I try she goes mental. I feel mentally and physically drained and I don’t have anybody else to help me. 

    I can say one thing though some days are easier than others, and usually it is a trigger that sets us off on bad Days/weeks. For example she was doing really well for about 3mpnths until she was told by a social worker her dad wants to see her again (this was 5weeka ago) and still she is disruptive and can see a massive change I. Her behaviour!

    i think as life goes on you will notice the triggers and be able to avoid them but as our children are still young we may have a few years of never ending battles ahead haha! 

    Sendingg you hugs and healing wishes hun!


  • Aww thank you so much for your kind words. 

    Yes it’s just very frustrating. As you described you feel like you don’t spend enough time with your other children as they are either sucking the life out of you or taking up all your time and attention and this I feel guilty for. It keeps me awake at night I think oh I don’t spend enough time with so and so today or I don’t think I played with the baby enough or did I tell my kids enough that I love them today. I just feel like a useless mother.

    i avoid going out public places as much as i can as when things trigger and it all becomes too much sensory overload there is no stopping him. People stare, whisper, shake their head or just think you can’t cope. They judge without knowing that he’s got a disability even though it’s not a visable disability. Thank god we have a garden ha ha. 

    I am wondering whether to contact social services myself to see if they can provide some sort of help and support
