14 year old - OCD/Apergers - "forgetting" medication

Not impressed I must admit but thats my son to a tee. Goes with the flow, expects things to bend the way he wants etc and will make zero effort to help himself.

We've spent over £500 on private consultant appointments to get him seen and presribed medication. Found out for the last 10 days hes "forgotten" to take it.

Hes almost 15 - I'm absolately bomping mad with him. Surely, at 14/15 he should be able to know the importance of it?

  • Dear NAS35349,

    This must be very frustrating for you.  If you'd like to talk about it with someone directly, please feel free to contact the NAS Helpline on 0808 800 4104 (Monday - Thursday 10am-4pm, Friday 9am - 3pm). 


  • Perhaps this community needs to be split in two - one for people on the spectrum and one for NTs

  • I don’t think creating our own space where we feel safe is creating an ‘us’ and ‘them’ situation, I think it’s creating our own space where we feel safe to express ourselves. Lots of people have their own groups and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone accusing them of creating an us and them situation. Feeling safe to express ourselves will help us find our voice and will encourage confidence in ourselves so we are better able to communicate more effectively with nt’s, should we desire to do so. 

  • No offence Taltunes but surely its not helpful having two separate forums. Its just going to widen the gap and turn it into a "them" and "us" thing which is not helpful  to anyone IMHO.

  • Sorry NT is short for Neuro-typical which is how most people on the spectrum describe people who are not on the spectrum. One problem with using normal instead of NT is that the opposite of normal is abnormal which some of us on the spectrum feel is derogatory. For similar reasons I prefer ASC autism spectrum condition to ASD autism spectrum disorder

  • Sorry NT is short for Neuro-typical which is how most people on the spectrum describe people who are not on the spectrum. One problem with using normal instead of NT is that the opposite of normal is abnormal which some of us on the spectrum feel is derogatory. For similar reasons I prefer ASC autism spectrum condition to ASD autism spectrum disorder

  • I don’t think creating our own space where we feel safe is creating an ‘us’ and ‘them’ situation, I think it’s creating our own space where we feel safe to express ourselves. Lots of people have their own groups and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone accusing them of creating an us and them situation. Feeling safe to express ourselves will help us find our voice and will encourage confidence in ourselves so we are better able to communicate more effectively with nt’s, should we desire to do so. 

  • No offence Taltunes but surely its not helpful having two separate forums. Its just going to widen the gap and turn it into a "them" and "us" thing which is not helpful  to anyone IMHO.