Do you think that these people are my friends?

Hi everyone, 

I recently got some messages on social media from some people who I went to school with. I have Aspergers and struggle a lot to interpret things because of this. Please can I have some advise as to whether you think these people are my friends or not? 

The first message said:

'First of all you need to chill. You are not a retard. The dictionary definition does not apply to you because you are social and you know how to interact with people. Only you can change your loneliness. Throw caution to the wind. Join a club/society. Ignore those who insult you - you have dealt with worse at school. If you think you have no friends then you are wrong. Look up the definition of friend in a dictionary and apply it to people you know. It's not all about uni work. You need to put yourself out there and friends will come your way.'

and the second message said:

'Just because you don't always talk to friends doesn't mean they aren't always there for you. Also, please never assume a person doesn't care about you just because they haven't told you so... I hope today has made you realise how many friends you have   '.

I haven't saw either of these people for quite a long time now, although the messages are both fairly recent. Do you think that the people who sent me these messages are my friends? In particular, what is the significance of the ellipsis in the second message? Also, in the first message, I haven't saw this person for a few years now, so how can they so confidently say 'if you think you have no friends then you are wrong'? 


  • What does 'if you think you have no friends then you are wrong' mean if I haven't saw this person or been in touch besides Facebook occasionally. How can they say that I have friends here - I told them how lonely I was.

  • What does 'if you think you have no friends then you are wrong' mean if I haven't saw this person or been in touch besides Facebook occasionally. How can they say that I have friends here - I told them how lonely I was.

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