
This sums up my kind of love Former Member 

My love is not kind and gentle like your love. It’s not fair and gives nothing, other than itself. It fierce and unrelenting and it leads me, I don’t lead it. 

I don’t know about transcendent love, other than what I learned from you today, but this sums up my love.

  • I don’t really know about love.

    I am not certain that I understand what it really is. And I have some doubts as to whether it really exists.

    I do think, however, that ‘loving unconditionally’ is a condition in its own right.

    I do, therefore, ‘love’ an infinite regress..., if that helps?


  • I don’t think it’s possible to really know love, not in the usual sense of knowing. It’s more an experience and each person’s experience of it will of course be different. However, no matter how different the experience, there is no doubt about the experience of love. Those who have experienced it may struggle to describe it but they all know what it means, even if explanations differ. 

    I’m not sure how loving unconditionally is a condition but it’s sounds interesting. Please explain that to me as I can’t undetstand it and I have no idea at all what that means ~ to love an infinite regress! Lol! 

    Thank you for you answer, yes, it helps, I look talking about this stuff. Thank you. 

  • Hi BlueRay,

    I guess I am thinking that, if you love people unconditionally, (which I understand to mean loving them without any conditions placed upon them that they must fulfill in order to receive your love ...) then that in itself is a condition on you, i.e you must love people unconditionally (i.e no matter what...) That is a condition (placed on you) in itself isn't it? Or have I got the total wrong end of the stick here? 

    An infinite regress is broadly speaking (in my understanding,) when someone is asked to justify their answer and then they find that their answer/justification actually only creates another further question, and this process goes on to infinity (and beyond.)   

    When we start hitting the infinite regresses and the paradoxes, these are my most favourite things Relaxed.

  • OMG it’s almost like it’s overwhelming but it’s not overwhelming in the least. It’s hard to describe. It’s nothing like the love of romantic relationships, it’s not kind or gentle and it’s unforgiving but it’s also more beautiful than anything you could ever possibly imagine. You’re body will actually go into an amazing full body explosive orgasm when you spend any extended length of time with it but it’s way beyond anything as trivial as sexual energy, or that’s what a merely physical/emotional sexual experience feels like (trivial) compared to this. You’re rarely ever not smiling, how could you not smile, it’s like the love is bursting out of you and shinning on whoever is near you. It’s easy to recognise when your caught in a thought pattern because you become aware that you’re not smiling, that this inner joy has stopped dancing. When you realise that you realise you were simply engrossed in a story your mind or thoughts were telling you and you come back to peace. But peace isn’t the gentle silence you might imagine it to be. Peace is so huge and so big that it could never be gentle. It’s alive and vibrant, it’s quiet, it’s laughter, its joy, it’s all of those things, and more. And the great thing is, it will never leave you. Not Ever. Even the most trustworthy of partners is human and therefore always at risk of committing any one of our daily human failures, they could never be relied upon like the love that is you, that is inside of you, outside of you, it’s everywhere, in every face you see, in every drop of dew on every blade of grass. There is not a place a person can look where he won’t find love. It’s not possible to look into the eyes of another and not see love. No one is deprived of this love. It is in every single human being that has life and when you are connected to it within you, you are instantly connected to it in every other living soul, every animal, every rose, every tree, it’s in the air, in the rain, the snow and sunshine. It’s everywhere. But it comes with a price. People can’t cope with you, not for any decent length of time. They’re not used to someone so happy, they think you’re not good for them. They’re fascinated with you and even if they hate you behind your back, they rarely feel that way about you when you’re in their company, but you are always a bit to much for people. But that’s ok, especially if you’re an aspie, because people are too much for me for extended periods of time. So it’s a good match for me. It’s esquisite and it’s not that you think, now I love everyone, you don’t think at all, you go beyond words and beyond experience in many ways, you are simply at one with everything, you can’t not love everyone and everything. And nothing about it feels wrong. 

  • It’s a deep burning passion deep within that is bigger than life itself.

    Blimey. Relaxed

  • Sort of I suppose. I love all people deeply but I have a superficial kind of love which you could call conditional love for people such as my son or friends but that love isn’t real, it’s not something I feel deeply and passionately, it’s more of a like. For example, I love/like my son because he makes me laugh, the same with my sister. I like anybody in fact who makes me laugh. But I don’t love these people any more than I love anybody else, it’s just that they meet a need in me to laugh and I love laughing so I might say I love them, in a superficial sense, because they make me laugh. If you can make me laugh I’ll be your friend for life :-D

  • It’s funny, the more people I meet, the more people I love and the more my eyes and heart are opened up. I find people so incredibly interesting, especially autistic people, they blow my mind with their diversity. I talk mainly to whoever I come across in my day, at the shops, on the beach, wherever, and I am endlessly surprised by the fascinating lives that people lead. Even the most ordinary of lives, in fact, the most ordinary and simple the life, the more fascinating I find them. Truly, people blow my mind and that’s where I get most of my learning and how I find things out. For example, what’s the best chippy in this town or WoW how did you achieve that? I love people, I just don’t like a lot of them all together and I like lots of time alone in between my meetings with them. But definitely, the more I meet the more I love. 

  • It’s funny, the more people I meet, the more people I love and the more my eyes and heart are opened up. I find people so incredibly interesting, especially autistic people, they blow my mind with their diversity. I talk mainly to whoever I come across in my day, at the shops, on the beach, wherever, and I am endlessly surprised by the fascinating lives that people lead. Even the most ordinary of lives, in fact, the most ordinary and simple the life, the more fascinating I find them. Truly, people blow my mind and that’s where I get most of my learning and how I find things out. For example, what’s the best chippy in this town or WoW how did you achieve that? I love people, I just don’t like a lot of them all together and I like lots of time alone in between my meetings with them. But definitely, the more I meet the more I love. 

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