same old same old

so people with autism like me usually don't like too much change but has anyone else got to the breaking point were you can't take it anymore because i'm in high school right now and it's the same thing every year since elementary i just go to school and eventual have summer and then go back and i can't take it anymore... and it's not just school it's also happening to things like holidays and my birthday and i'm losing the joy i use to get from my birthday and Christmas and i want to get those feelings back. so does anyone else know how i'm feeling and can you offer some advice.

  • It sounds like you've outgrown these things, as we all do around that age, and you need something new and challenging. It's true that autism and change don't naturally fit but that doesn't mean that those with autism don't ever get bored. With school, you've been there, done that, and perhaps it just isn't interesting or inspiring anymore? 

    I'd see that as a good sign really because (as you are about to leave school in the next year or two)  you're life is soon going to change in more ways than you can even imagine right now, so being ready for the next phase will stand you in good stead!

    Maybe it's time to start planning for what you'd like that next stage to look like? Perhaps a club / course / weekend job that's related in some way to whatever you think you might like to be doing after school? It doesn't matter if the club / course / weekend job turns out to be not as good as you expected - it's just about research at this stage and it's fine to try out a few things to see what you might enjoy. (In fact it's a good idea to try things out in this way (short-term, one after the other) while you're still at school because it's much more difficult to do so later on when you're actually relying on the job (for instance) for an income. 

  • It sounds like you've outgrown these things, as we all do around that age, and you need something new and challenging. It's true that autism and change don't naturally fit but that doesn't mean that those with autism don't ever get bored. With school, you've been there, done that, and perhaps it just isn't interesting or inspiring anymore? 

    I'd see that as a good sign really because (as you are about to leave school in the next year or two)  you're life is soon going to change in more ways than you can even imagine right now, so being ready for the next phase will stand you in good stead!

    Maybe it's time to start planning for what you'd like that next stage to look like? Perhaps a club / course / weekend job that's related in some way to whatever you think you might like to be doing after school? It doesn't matter if the club / course / weekend job turns out to be not as good as you expected - it's just about research at this stage and it's fine to try out a few things to see what you might enjoy. (In fact it's a good idea to try things out in this way (short-term, one after the other) while you're still at school because it's much more difficult to do so later on when you're actually relying on the job (for instance) for an income. 

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