Introduce mandatory training in autism for all NHS mental health services.

Please sign and pass on to people you know.

  • Signed it - though I'm not sure how useful these petitions are.  But this is a necessary step.  Autism understanding in MH is woefully inadequate.  Even qualified psychiatrists don't often know what they're dealing with - relying on stereotypical ideas of hand-flapping, rocking, repetitive behaviour patterns, etc.  I'm sure it's the reason many people go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, then kicked down into support services that treat symptoms, not causes (as I was, many times).

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  • Signed it - though I'm not sure how useful these petitions are.  But this is a necessary step.  Autism understanding in MH is woefully inadequate.  Even qualified psychiatrists don't often know what they're dealing with - relying on stereotypical ideas of hand-flapping, rocking, repetitive behaviour patterns, etc.  I'm sure it's the reason many people go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, then kicked down into support services that treat symptoms, not causes (as I was, many times).

    Also shared on social media.

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