Borderline Autism Diagnosis?

Our 15 year old son has recently been diagnosed with borderline autism. We have not seen his report as yet. The only reason apparently he was not fully diagnosed is because he wants to be sociable and we were told this is not a trait of autism, but he ticks the boxes on nearly all other symptoms. When he does try to make friends he gets ostracised, told he is weird and bullied. Over the years we have had to overcome many issues with school and social activities due to his behaviour. Looking back he seems to have many autistic traits, including late talking, fussy baby, refusing close contact, tantrums, trouble interacting with other children. Most primary school teachers speaking to us concerning his interruptions towards the teacher during lessons etc.......

Can I have anybodies thoughts please. We feel we are getting nowhere.

  • Just read this post, exactly the same problems as me with my 15 year old boy.

    borderline autism doesn't seem to have any help what so ever - struggled for years with school etc. No social skills at all but as work is good they seem not to care! Let me know if you find any help xx I worry how they will get on at uni or work?! 


  • Just read this post, exactly the same problems as me with my 15 year old boy.

    borderline autism doesn't seem to have any help what so ever - struggled for years with school etc. No social skills at all but as work is good they seem not to care! Let me know if you find any help xx I worry how they will get on at uni or work?! 


  • We eventually got our son's report from CAMHS telling us he wasn't autistic. He suffers terribly with contamination OCD's needing to wash hands repeatedly and 30 minute showers to name a few. It is very exhausting for us! His senco teacher in school advised us to push for a second opinion as she was convinced he had ASD and incidentally treated him in school as if he did. They have been excellent with him, giving him help and putting special measures in place.

    We had an appointment with CAMHS to help treat him with this using CBT. We stressed to the psychologist that we were sure he had high functioning autism. He agreed after speaking to my son and referred us to the child psychiatrist, who, after an in depth meeting and numerous questions finally diagnosed him with high functioning autism. He seemed to have no doubt. Since then, which was a few weeks ago, we have met with our local education ASD officer for advice etc. We at last feel that all the pieces fit together through his childhood. I just wish he had been diagnosed earlier, as he now has to play catch-up with school work and has gone back a year. He also feels a sense of relief with the diagnosis as it all makes sense to him now the way he feels and acts.

    Perhaps you could ask for a second assessment.