My husband has been diagnosed

Hi there

I am a new member following my husbands diagnosis two and a half years ago. Just wondering if there is anyone else out there with the same position as we are. I feel awful that following diagnosis there feels like there is nothing out there to help my husband

  • I am in the same boat. My husband was recently diagnosed. I had to get a Dr prescription for vocational rehab, and they are helping him find a better suited job. But for me knowing it is his Autism that causes him alot of problems and not that he was just being lazy and nit wanting to do things, that he literally can't do somethings without the proper help, has given me a whole new way to look at him.

  • Hi NAS24818,

    You might be interested in reading the 'After Diagnosis' information booklet here on the site, which is for adults with a recent diagnosis -

    You can also look in the Autism Services Directory  - - to see what is available in your area in terms of support groups, treatment and therapy, and advice. There are many services aimed at helping adults with autism and hopefully you'll be able to find someone helpful in your local area.

    Otherwise you can always call the NAS helpline at 0808 800 4104 for additional advice.

    Best wishes,

    Ross - mod