Adult Autism Diagnosis

Hi all,

I was referred for suspected autism and a couple of weeks later was visited by two people who specialise in autism and were happy to put me in for a diagnosis.

I have no idea what to expect though. They said it would take 3-6 weeks of being obsereved at their centre before a diagnosis can be made.

Does anyone know what I can expect and what they are going to observe me on?


  • The good thing about a proper lengthy evaluation as opposed to the short two-hour evaluation is that they will get a better idea of who you are. Sometimes, I think, it is good not to know too much about the tests - because that will also show them how you react to unknown stuff and the stress it presents. I hated the forms and questionnaires because it is so hard to answer them accurately. There also were some practical kinds of tests, like puzzles. And lengthy chats about yourself. And I also had to write stuff down about my childhood. There were also questionnaires for people who know you. I think being "observed" sounds rather daunting. I would replace it by "getting to know you". 

  • I remember going for a pre assessment to discuss why I felt I could be On the spectrum. Then this Wednesday I had appointment for the actual assessment with a psychiatrist. It turns out I have ASD or ASpergers (before that term was deemed too un PC). I know the assessment took about 2 hours!!! 

  • My actual diagnosis took a day (a long day). There were other appointments (such as with my GP) before I was referred for a diagnosis.

    The approach I took was not to look into any aspect of the diagnosis (or the condition, Asperger's in my case). This was difficult as I liked (needed, really) to know, however, by not knowing I felt I would behave naturally (for me).