Epilim & autism?

I diddnt know till this evening that this epeleptic drug can cause autism, now though i did not take this when pregnant,do you think this could stay in your system or do something that causes it? i started taking this medication when i was around 15 to the age of 18 and wondering if this possibley could be the cause? however it should have well dissapeared out my system????/

  • I'm simply advising caution.

    But to be specific, the paragraph that concerns me is in your Saturday 18.22 posting that opens by quoting me suggesting epilepsy was a red herring.

    "Mo4B described epilim as an epileptic drug........My guess is she was taking it for epilepsy......there is am underlying link......and the autism that has surfaced in her child".

    I don't think it was right or proper to make those deductions.

  • I'm simply advising caution.

    But to be specific, the paragraph that concerns me is in your Saturday 18.22 posting that opens by quoting me suggesting epilepsy was a red herring.

    "Mo4B described epilim as an epileptic drug........My guess is she was taking it for epilepsy......there is am underlying link......and the autism that has surfaced in her child".

    I don't think it was right or proper to make those deductions.

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