My first post (changes in life how do people cope)

Hi :) Hope everybody is well. I've had asperger's well diagnosed about 22 years ago (35 now)

Now there's been a change in my home circumstances (still live with my folks) but that's about to change. How did people.............handle it? (if they had these sort of things going on in their life) I know...............I have been struggling to be honest (Not going to deny that) especially with all the delay's i've had with this (had pretty bad thoughts I won't go into) I got a call the other day though saying that something had finally been found (looks like I have accepted) but now that's going to likely cause other anxiety's in me you know dealing with the rent side of the situation and obviously how to look after myself (I have been promised support though but not sure as to what extent it will be at the moment)

Hope this sounds all OK...................?

  • If you struggle to recall verbal stuff such as the amount of rent etc you will get in terms of assistance, simply say "please can I have this information in writing", it's a common request and is helpful for you to be able to plan.

    Another good resource is Citizens Advice Bureau who could find someone to help you set up a budget for your expenses. It is OK today disclose to people saying "I have ASD and I might need to ask some pretty obvious questions, because I know there are times when I don't understand simple stuff.

    Although change is scary, can you think of some positive things about your new living arrangements? The one I would find best is only me to make mess!!!

  • Hope you are all well. Received something positive on the phone about half an hour ago. I've arranged a viewing :)  The house is getting repaired just now but a viewing is going to happen. Now I will say though Saturday night had a bit of a tiffy with a friend on the phone they believe I will struggle with all of this (the looking after myself part they're more worried about although I strongly suspect they think because i'm moving means I will be out of their lives. I know that won't happen and they seem convinced that after the council support initially.............they think that the council will turn on me and leave me to it (and charge me for the care I am going to get) they couldn't do that to me surely............................

  • sorry if i'm quoting other peopke unintentonally btw not sure how this place works to reply to things on it's own without quoting

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