A Strange Fantasy

People on the spectrum, often those diagnosed in adulthood, have said they feel as if they don't belong on this planet. I love planet Earth and her animals but, if only The Doctor really were to exist, I'd gladly take the chance to travel to, and live on, a different planet where I would be accepted.

Part of me wants to write fanfiction about this but it may upset me because there's no way this fantasy could come true. 

  • In my childhood always looked out at the night sky wondering which of those galaxies or planets I belonged to. 

    In my youth/adolescence I used to think about going out to space, travelling other planets. Then I came down to earth with life and work but these past few years I have been looking at the sky and wondering again.   

    I also think of the Matrix! 

  • In my childhood always looked out at the night sky wondering which of those galaxies or planets I belonged to. 

    In my youth/adolescence I used to think about going out to space, travelling other planets. Then I came down to earth with life and work but these past few years I have been looking at the sky and wondering again.   

    I also think of the Matrix! 

  • In the movie 'the Matrix', I love the discussion about why most animals taste like chicken meat... the computer wouldn't waste computing power to define every single animal's meat taste, so chicken would be the default... spooky stuff...