Being gay

Any other gay guys out there? We always seem to have a slightly different take on things - usually more practical AND more entertaining - than our straight friends. What's the take on being gay and autistic?

  • Hi Topskin,

    I'm not gay - but I think gays and Aspies have a lot in common.  It's 'different' - and, as I'm sure you've probably found, even the most non-homophobic people can seem uncomfortable, or not quite sure how to react.  Same with coming out as autistic.  I've noticed that a few people who know me have behaved a little oddly since I told them of my diagnosis.  A bit more distant, perhaps.

    Steve Silberman, the author of 'Neurotribes', is gay.  He draws a lot of parallels with the experiences.

  • Hi Topskin,

    I'm not gay - but I think gays and Aspies have a lot in common.  It's 'different' - and, as I'm sure you've probably found, even the most non-homophobic people can seem uncomfortable, or not quite sure how to react.  Same with coming out as autistic.  I've noticed that a few people who know me have behaved a little oddly since I told them of my diagnosis.  A bit more distant, perhaps.

    Steve Silberman, the author of 'Neurotribes', is gay.  He draws a lot of parallels with the experiences.

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