Anger and violence in teen with asd

Hi, just wondering if anyone got practical advise for me. My 13 year old son has been diagnosed with ASD last week, though I'm very relieved that there is finally an explanation to his behaviour, we still have to deal with very foul langiage, screaming, throwing stuff, shoving etc. Quite disturbing for an adult, but even more so for my 9 year old son (he doesn't have ASD). I'm trying to think of a new way of dealing with his outburts (over very trivial things), but it just seems that I'm letting him get away with this outrages behaviour. He is refusing to talk about ASD, so no starting point. Any ideas,anybody? Has anybody got practical advise how to curb the outbursts without confrontations, but still imppose the boundaries? Undecided

  • AAS said:
    I gave her a chance to cool down since I noticed that she would only increase combativeness if anyone tried to ask her anything or tell her reasons why not to do it, while she was in that state.

    This point is really important.

    Trying to talk to, or reprimend, an autistic person whilst they're in the middle of a meltdown, whatever form it takes, only make matters worse.

    Wait until they've calmed down, and they're able to think more clearly again, before approaching them.

  • AAS said:
    I gave her a chance to cool down since I noticed that she would only increase combativeness if anyone tried to ask her anything or tell her reasons why not to do it, while she was in that state.

    This point is really important.

    Trying to talk to, or reprimend, an autistic person whilst they're in the middle of a meltdown, whatever form it takes, only make matters worse.

    Wait until they've calmed down, and they're able to think more clearly again, before approaching them.

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