Employer told I have asperger DISEASE!


I've been off work for 2 months and i recently saw occupational health. Yesterday I received a copy of the report from my initial occupational health appointment which has been sent to my manager. I was really dismayed to read that the nurse had written that I had been diagnosed with Asperger Disease. This has really annoyed me as I did try to explain to the nurse that Aspergers is a part of me and has shaped my personality so the suggestion that that part of me is diseased I find very offensive. I felt I needed to write a letter to occupational health and my manager to explain that its not a disease but my husband said I should let it go as Im wanting occ health to help me but I find it hard to see how telling my manager that I have a disease is helping me.

Would you write a letter to correct their mistake or am I over reacting? 

  • Autism is not cooties.

    Now what could have happen spell checker, error.  Disorder and Disease have similar spelling.

    I have been there, in my first report of ASC stated that my brother had "dies" and should been "does". It got corrected latter version. Yep my brother is very much alive and annoy me most days on the phone.

  • Autism is not cooties.

    Now what could have happen spell checker, error.  Disorder and Disease have similar spelling.

    I have been there, in my first report of ASC stated that my brother had "dies" and should been "does". It got corrected latter version. Yep my brother is very much alive and annoy me most days on the phone.

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