ASD and not being able to read people but being able to 'feel' them


I am new to this.  I am nearly 43 and I am awaiting formal diagnosis.  I know whatever they say that I am HFA - ASD.  I know it like I know night and day.  Under the old way of diagnosis I suspect they would call me Aspergers.

So I'm working myself out.  This forum is helping me to articulate and explain things that I couldn't before.

So there is this thing and I can't articulate or name it but I'll describe it and please tell me if anyone else identifies or if it has a name?

When I meet new people or indeed find myself in the room with anyone.  I can 'feel' them.  I'm rubbish at working out people by what they are saying or doing or the way that they look but when I meet someone I can describe who they emotionally in relation to me almost straight away.

Some people make me feel "undiluted good".  I like to be around these people.

Some people make me feel "neutral" I am not decided - they are not bad or good, the signal is blank.

Some people i get a bad feeling from and I want to remove myself from those people.

Occasionally some people make every hair stand on end on my back and I sense that there is something very wrong with them.

I often see that people are not very nice but it isn't because they 'feel bad' to me, it's something else.  Then it's that they are not 'bad' but maybe just don't like me.

Anyway so it's not about reading facial expressions, not about reading body language, or decipering what people are saying because I am not good at that.

It's more like a 'sense' I get, a feeling or energy and I could describe it with every person I meet after a short time.  They don't need to say or do very much.

I suppose it's a bit like being an empath, I don't know as yet.  I am struggling to properly explain it.  Empath doesn't sound quite right either.

Can anyone else identify with this?


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