Blood Test to diagnose Autism

I have read in todays press that it is possible to do a Blood Test to diagnose Autism.  You can google the info.  I am surprised that it is possible to do a blood test to diagnose Autism as it is really a personality with traits. I do not if it applies to Adults.  I am sure that if there is a real blood test many of us would be found not to have Autism but it would not help as we have the traits.    I do not know if one just has Asperger Syndrome whether that would show up on a blood test.

If you have any information or views on this subject I hope you will reply to me.


  • Tbh all these “breakthroughs” are adverts for more funding. 

    Best taken with a large pinch of Sodium Chloride.

  • Yes I am sure it will take a long time before a reliable test can be developed.  Even when it is developed I am sure there will be many people on the Spectrum who could not be diagnosed by a blood test or a brain scan.  Would it be possible not to be Autistic although Autism shows up in the blood test?  Meaning the blood have the deficiencies in it but not be Autistic.

  • Yes I am sure it will take a long time before a reliable test can be developed.  Even when it is developed I am sure there will be many people on the Spectrum who could not be diagnosed by a blood test or a brain scan.  Would it be possible not to be Autistic although Autism shows up in the blood test?  Meaning the blood have the deficiencies in it but not be Autistic.

  • It should read brain damage is one of them meaning that brain damage is one cause of Autistic Symptoms.

    A Psychiatrist on visiting us said that  I was mildly Autistic back in 1976.  A Canadian Psychologist who tested me in Israel for the late Professor Feuerstein in 1983 E mailed from Toronto and  said that he did not know that I am Autistic but he knew I have a Non-Verbal Learning Difficulty on the Right Side of my brain.  I have googled that and people with that Disability also have social skills problems so there is an overlap in symptoms.  I have perception problems get lost easily and have difficulty in recognizing people.

  • I think I sent this  E mail above many years ago. This number is the name the NAS has now given me.  If there was a blood test to diagnose Autism we do not know if it would be reliable because people might have those deficiencies and might not behave as though as there are Autistic.  People have Autism symptoms for a variety  of reasons and I am sure brain damage is one of them.  I had a difficult birth and I fell out of a pram when I was a baby so I could be brain damaged not Autistic.