Vacations, never. Has anyone else here never been "on Holiday" as an (Autistic) Adult?

Has anyone else here NEVER been "on Holiday" as an (Autistic) Adult? Either within the British Isles or, especially, leaving the Country.
When at school, I was allowed - with the School - to visit The Isle Of Wight, and France, and then Belgium...
But now that I am an adult (since leaving school)... London is as if imposed as a Prison, which financial constraints prevent me from ever escaping. And so I am curious as to whether anyone else has 'Never Really Been Allowed To Have A Vacation', just like myself...

  • As an adult I have only been on holiday once and that was in 1989. I was working at the time and managed to afford a week in Königswinter, Germany.

    Since then I have never been on holiday because either I could not afford one or I refused to place my rescue cat(s) in a cattery (they had spent long enough alone in a cat sanctuary before I adopted them).

  • As an adult I have only been on holiday once and that was in 1989. I was working at the time and managed to afford a week in Königswinter, Germany.

    Since then I have never been on holiday because either I could not afford one or I refused to place my rescue cat(s) in a cattery (they had spent long enough alone in a cat sanctuary before I adopted them).

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