Undiagnosed adult- support needed

I’m 25 and my whole life I knew I didn’t fit into society. I just had a conversation with a really close friend and they mentioned that based on everything they’ve seen me struggle with, they think I may be autistic. This is not the first time someone has told me this. (Heck, I’ve thought it consistently my whole life) I’m not sure what steps I should take, but I know that an explanation for why I’m like this would be helpful. I have a deathly fear of driving. I have been working on my separation anxiety. When I was young I had tics like rapid blinking, grunting, and stuttering; all of which I have learned to overcome. My social skills are a daily struggle, but I’ve learned to hide them so well that only those close to me can tell. Is anyone else undiagnosed, but curious out there? I would like to hear others stories. 

  • I think your journey echoes many. A conversation with someone, a realisation, and a search for reasoning and answers. At first that can be painful, especially the reasoning behind some of the answers. I have found it enlightening, and in a way that gives me the freedom to look at my challenges and (hopefully) find strategies to adjust.

    Alternatively, I could just be obsessing over it all. I tend to do that.

  • I think your journey echoes many. A conversation with someone, a realisation, and a search for reasoning and answers. At first that can be painful, especially the reasoning behind some of the answers. I have found it enlightening, and in a way that gives me the freedom to look at my challenges and (hopefully) find strategies to adjust.

    Alternatively, I could just be obsessing over it all. I tend to do that.

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