Are you a messy eater

I most definitely am. I put on a clean t shirt yesterday evening after a shower and soon there were several marks where I had had a pot noodle. Now I've just had an orange and of course some of the juice has gone on my t shirt . Years ago when little my granddaughters would say I needed to wear one of those pelican bibs.

  • The answer to that is an emphatic yes!

    There are always bits of my food on the floor, crumbs everywhere, and stuff down my front.  No matter how hard I try to prevent it, it happens.

    Nothing seems to hold onto my fork, and my spoon always drips. A cup always spills. And opening a packet of anything, the contents go everywhere.  But that is me!  At least I very rarely eat in company!

  • The answer to that is an emphatic yes!

    There are always bits of my food on the floor, crumbs everywhere, and stuff down my front.  No matter how hard I try to prevent it, it happens.

    Nothing seems to hold onto my fork, and my spoon always drips. A cup always spills. And opening a packet of anything, the contents go everywhere.  But that is me!  At least I very rarely eat in company!
