Quotes - quotes about Aspergers - others quotes to you

What quotes would you give about Aspergers - your own or other quotes

What have others said to you about Aspergers? 

  • "we're all a little bit autistic" ... used as a dismissive fob off etc

  • “Well I do that too” or “you can have anything once you google it”  or “ maybe you should stop researching it as it keeps upsetting you” and” I reckon that’s what i’ve Got then”.

    And the most recent said to me” I have a friend with autism he has to finish whatever he is saying no matter what”.

    I am quite frankly fed up trying to explain at work,they all seem to think I have researched it to much and made it fit,when I tell them who the real me is they look shocked. I actually started shaking the hand of men I had worked with for years and saying “how do you do,I am xxxxx by the way”.

    I then give them a hug if I feel like it, great seeing them freak out Lol.

    i am Being me after fifty five years of acting. Phew hard work and a long billing.

  • “Well I do that too” and” I reckon that’s what i’ve Got then”.     yeah, I get that. 

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