A continuation from the first "Thread", which is now quite long, yet only at times digressing.
If anyone cannot find the previous "Thread", then have a go at entering parts of the title of this here thread, into a "Search"-Box.
...Certainly, All who visit, are welcome to paste anything into either that previous Thread or into this new one.

(As always, glad tidings and a generous Thank You, to one and all from myself.) また... がんばって 下さいな...

  • A general catch-up reply, covering some of the points raised recently.

    We have been testing an update that is designed to achieve two main aims:

    • Fix the problem that some sign-ins via the Reply button left the user on the wrong page, with a consequence of the loss of any message so far typed
    • Improve the "activity stream" for a user (found by going to someone's profile via a link on that person's forum name). The intended improvement is that the stream should contain that user's posts. It has tended also to include posts by other people, in threads in which that user has also posted - this second alternative produces a list of messages with rather tenuous connections to the user whose stream you are viewing.

    The second of these was dependent on an update to the Telligent software that we are using. It was not something that we could sensibly develop ourselves therefore (because changing the system now, in a different way from Telligent's update, could lead to future problems).

    Our first round of testing identified a different issue that had occurred in the upgrade, so we stopped, fixed that, and now have tested again. Sorry that all that has taken time. I'm hopeful of being ready to deploy the upgrade in the next week or so. I'll let you know when I have a definite date.

    To cover a few other points:

    • Once you have rejected a friend request, I don't believe that there is a way to recover it, sorry.
    • A blog (short for "Weblog") is indeed a bit like a discussion. The difference is that blogs consist of a series of main postings, a bit like a daily diary (or weekly, monthly, occasional, or whatever). Others read the posts and comment on them. So, a blog might be written by an expert on a subject, or as a travelogue, for example, with others giving feedback. This is different from a standard discussion, such as this, where anyone can start a topic. The regular posts can be as short as a paragraph, or as long as several "pages". You could probably Google to find a blog on any topic, but here's one on chocolate that seems to have some comments coming back in response to the (quite long) posts. By contrast, chat is a rather imprecise term, referring to any system that allows users to have conversations.
    • It's true that there is no dictionary of abbreviations on the site. We may consider this for the future. However, those that you mention come from various different fields, and many are not specific to autism. On our Web pages, we try to explain abbreviations before using them, so searching the main site for something, for example ADHD, may help, as the pages returned in search may give you the explanation that you need. Looking at other people's sites, the Acronym Finder may also be of some use, especially as it has categories for IT, science & medicine, and so on; for example, it covers DWP.
  • A general catch-up reply, covering some of the points raised recently.

    We have been testing an update that is designed to achieve two main aims:

    • Fix the problem that some sign-ins via the Reply button left the user on the wrong page, with a consequence of the loss of any message so far typed
    • Improve the "activity stream" for a user (found by going to someone's profile via a link on that person's forum name). The intended improvement is that the stream should contain that user's posts. It has tended also to include posts by other people, in threads in which that user has also posted - this second alternative produces a list of messages with rather tenuous connections to the user whose stream you are viewing.

    The second of these was dependent on an update to the Telligent software that we are using. It was not something that we could sensibly develop ourselves therefore (because changing the system now, in a different way from Telligent's update, could lead to future problems).

    Our first round of testing identified a different issue that had occurred in the upgrade, so we stopped, fixed that, and now have tested again. Sorry that all that has taken time. I'm hopeful of being ready to deploy the upgrade in the next week or so. I'll let you know when I have a definite date.

    To cover a few other points:

    • Once you have rejected a friend request, I don't believe that there is a way to recover it, sorry.
    • A blog (short for "Weblog") is indeed a bit like a discussion. The difference is that blogs consist of a series of main postings, a bit like a daily diary (or weekly, monthly, occasional, or whatever). Others read the posts and comment on them. So, a blog might be written by an expert on a subject, or as a travelogue, for example, with others giving feedback. This is different from a standard discussion, such as this, where anyone can start a topic. The regular posts can be as short as a paragraph, or as long as several "pages". You could probably Google to find a blog on any topic, but here's one on chocolate that seems to have some comments coming back in response to the (quite long) posts. By contrast, chat is a rather imprecise term, referring to any system that allows users to have conversations.
    • It's true that there is no dictionary of abbreviations on the site. We may consider this for the future. However, those that you mention come from various different fields, and many are not specific to autism. On our Web pages, we try to explain abbreviations before using them, so searching the main site for something, for example ADHD, may help, as the pages returned in search may give you the explanation that you need. Looking at other people's sites, the Acronym Finder may also be of some use, especially as it has categories for IT, science & medicine, and so on; for example, it covers DWP.
  • The update that I described in my previous post is due to be released tomorrow morning (28 November 2017). Please let us know whether it improves things, in regard both to activity streams and to sign ins.

  • Good Morning "WebPM",

    This is a (re-)post merely to let you know that I, at least, am still here and reading. Fair play to you, and to all who may read!

  • アリガトウゴザイマス... That is another very different method of using Capital Letters... If not "Gobbledegook" to any devices, then it is ME, saying a "Thank You Very Much", in my own manner, to you, Mr/Mrs "WebPM"...!
    I was beginning to think that everyone had left this Thread, and/or that it was a deliberate avoidance... yet after five-or-so unanswered Posts from 'me-to-me'... The NAS WebPM Posts something, Huzzah!! Thank you for finally answering that which I asked.

    ...My Post here, is merely a (long-winded) "Thank You", and so time will tell of all subjects which are thusly addressed. Thank You again. (...Yet I myself do not much like chocolate, and I cannot always access "Blogs" outside of this NAS Website...)